Venus Anadyomene

Lydia Silic

“Venus Anadyomene ( "Venus, Rising from the Sea") is one of the iconic representations of the goddess Venus. These images are part of a larger body of work titled, "Head of a Woman", which explores modern female portraiture influenced by Renaissance art from the likes of Leonardo da Vinci and Botticelli.”

— Lydia Silic

Lydia Silic

Lydia Silic

Lydia has been an artist and photographer for over five years–born, raised, and residing in Southern Nevada (the traditional homeland of the Nuwuvi People). Her passion for photography started with capturing the dynamic landscapes and natural state of North America, today she is drawn to exploring themes on land, femininity, and self-exploration of her own experiences as a person and an artist with a heavy dose of nostalgia. Lydia will be graduating this May from UNLV (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) with a BA in photography.

Instagram: @lydiasilicphotos


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