In Mind's Eye

Ashley Manegdeg


Eye the beast that bears.

Watch as breath casts fire.

The spectacle unawares

of its benevolent ire.

A bad blood acquire

to ward off evil ail.

A horned, winged justifier

consuming its serpent tail.

Deadly deity of grail,

fearsome and sloughing of souls,

the all is one with fail,

liberator of controls.

Burden is the buttress of earth;

certainty, the beast of rebirth.


Mirror in the sullen sunrise

reveal the dawn of day,

raise my spirits from the moonlight,

null the worn night away.

Laid in wait for fervency's taste—

sober sign of love's lorn.

Grasped by the pale twilight phantom

to guide me through the mourn.

Dreary trudge to the water well—

where worship is adorned.

Wanton wonders shine reflected.

Glory me, Aurora is restored.


Take me away my humble berth,

forged by my retreat's allayed mirth.

Skies of fine clementines and plums,

float muted winds and sorrows numb.

Solace with a tree evergreen,

and the grace of versed tire swing.

Jaunting across a field of gold,

to catch sights for my crest to hold.

Easy wheat courses through hands as still water

burrowed deep akin earth's forgotten daughter.

Humming pieces of beautiful dreams to come,

idled by the solitary beam of one.

“Solace through self reflection in relation to the other.”

— Ashley Manegdeg

Ashley Manegdeg

Ashley Manegdeg

Ashley Manegdeg is a California native and documentarian of the mundane. Bound by her insatiable thirst for knowledge while plagued by wanderlust, she studies business intermittently at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Ashley revels in live performances, in musical and stand-up form, as well as the varied physical fine and street arts. Avowed to be the uncreative babe of the literary sphere, she dabbles in writing for the purpose of self-preservation.




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